Friday, May 3, 2013

Keep Your Kids Organized with Free Homework Center Printables!

When I blogged about my home office remodel, I showed you this wall which is the dedicated "homework center" for my three kids.  Well, today I am making the charts available for you to print and use!

My goal for the homework center was to have a place where I could keep track of the kids schedules, school papers and even their school bags.  I was hoping to avoid running around each morning frantically trying to find what they needed for school that day (you know what I mean).  I settled on creating these frames with a hook for backpacks right beneath.  The system has worked out great!

I wanted the frames to be inexpensive yet plenty large.  So I found these 15" x 19" frames at IKEA for just $5.99 each.  The only problem with these frames is that they do not have real glass on them.  Unfortunately, dry erase markers do not erase very well on the plastic "glass".  Thus, I suggest you spend the extra money and get frames with real glass in them.  Consider this an investment (we use ours a lot!) that will keep you organized for years to come.

I chose to create each unique section of the chart separately.  This way they can be changed and rearranged as you like.  The background of the chart is just the back side of the paper insert that came with the frames.  I taped each part of the chart into place on top of that.  Fortunately, the color of  background paper fit my color scheme exactly!

The photos of the kids are simple 6 1/4" x 4" prints.  We chose black and white photos to keep with the color scheme in the office.

The name plates are also 6 1/4" x 4".  You may download an editable version here.

The calendar is 6 1/4" by 7 1/2".  Click here for the printable.

I also made a chart of the days of the week.  This chart is for the regular weekly schedule items.  The days of the week chart is 6 1/4" x 7".  Click here for this printable.

Finally, there is the notes page.  You may print out the notes page here.  This is where I keep general info.  I also have a little clip at the top of the page that I super-glued onto the "glass".  Because of the tall length of my frame, I printed out two of these notes pages and pieced them together.  Since there are papers clipped onto this section the seem is hardly noticeable.  This chart is 14 1/4" x 18 1/2".

Remember that the printable size of each of the sections are designed for my 15" x 19" frame.  The good news is that I made each of the files editable so that you may customize them yourself.  (The notes printable is the only static one, but you can still adjust the print size.)

Oh.... for my source of inspiration for this homework center, see my office remodel post.  Have a great day!

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