Family heirlooms.......... I love them.........and my dad's side of the family has plenty of them. My grandparents are getting ready to move into a smaller home in town so the process of purging and sorting has begun. My grandmother treasured many items and did her best to remember or write down the stories behind many of our family heirlooms.
One of our treasures is a glass door hutch. So far we can't get the glass door open, but we'll get it figured out somehow. Hmmm.....I'm thinking maybe it will become a linen closet.
This treasure was in the basement for years. It needs a lot of TLC, but I'm looking forward to seeing it restored with new life.
My brother, sister and I loved using this chair when we were little. The chair was my father's grandfather's mother's dad's. See if you can figure that one out! The desk-arm made it convenient for doing homework while rocking. This rocker was a little scary, though, as it always felt like it was going to tip back much farther than we anticipated. I think maybe it needs a sign, "Please Rock with Caution!" Another neat thing about this rocker is that the desk-arm folds up and down.
Have you ever seen one of these? This is the family Bull Horn Chair. It gets passed down to the first male in the family. Right now it belongs to my father, and next it will go to my brother. You definitely don't want this chair to land on your toe!
How about you? Do you have family heirlooms? Have you seen pieces like these or maybe something similar?

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Sugar Bee Crafts, Lil Luna