I love adding earthy textures in my home. I have always loved sisal place mats, but have never been able to justify buying them because of their price.
A while ago, I was walking through Lowes when I came across this gigantic roll of sisal for around $6. I was so excited! Now I could make my own sisal placemats. I made one placemat only to discover that half the roll was gone! That didn't seem very money savvy. It was time to come up with an alternative - coasters! I saw a picture of some sisal coasters on Pinterest once, and figured they couldn't be too hard to make.
It turns out, they are actually very simple. Just roll and glue! Use just enough hot glue to ensure that the layers are staying together as you go around. If they are loosening, then more glue is probably needed. The beginning is the only tricky part. When you begin the first little circle, make sure you use plenty of glue and hold it in place until it is good and dry.
Also, make sure that you have a flat surface to work on. You don't want your coasters to warp. This would cause all kinds of chaos with drinks spilling all over your table. In order to avoid the warping, make sure to push the coaster down flat as you are winding and glueing.
The following picture is what the coaster should look like when it is about 2/3'rds done. The finished coaster should be about 4" in diameter.
Finally, to finish off the coaster, cut the sisal at an angle. The tapered end glues more securely and allows for a nicer finish.
There you have it. A touch of outdoors, indoors!

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