Argh!! This week was so hard to chose 5 favorites. For some reason all the food kept calling my name.... maybe I shouldn't be doing this post when I'm hungry. :0) Thank you so much for taking the time this past Friday to come link up your great creations!! Ashley {Simply Designing} and I love seeing them and getting to know your blogs better.
Can you believe these Blueberry Cheesecake Parfaits from Dear Beautiful You? My mouth waters every time I look at this picture!
Check out this free printable by Cathy at Lemon Tree Dwelling. I think we all need this reminder some days. :0)
Don't you just love this Moss Bunny created by Kathy at Life on Lakeshore Drive? I was so surprised to find out that it actually started out as an ordinary ceramic bunny!
24 Cottonwood Lane finally finished her grandsons bedroom. Aqua and orange is such a fun color combination. You'll have to stop by her blog to see all the cuteness she fit into this room!
Lemon Macarons anyone? I must confess, I don't think I have ever had one in my life. *sheepish grin* Curiosita Ellya's picture sure makes you want to try one though, doesn't it?
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