It took us a little while to figure out Brittany's birthday this year. We finally settled on two of her loves: Reese's peanut butter cups and Ice cream- specifically cookie dough.
You can see our plan of action here.
The Reese's Ice cream bar was a hit! Looking at this picture, half of the items for the bar were still in the fridge and freezer at this point. Chocolate syrup, caramel, homemade cookie dough, homemade strawberry freezer jam, and of course the ice cream.
This was the first time I had tried to make Party Pom Poms. They were quite fun, and not very difficult to make. I have more about them at the end of the post.
Brittany's birthday supper order was Walking Tacos. The kids had a lot of fun making them, and some of them were eating their supper for quite a while, seeing as their eyes were a little bigger than their stomach! :0)
We are so thankful to the Lord for our sweet daughter. We are thankful that she has asked Jesus to forgive her of all of her sins, and is daily growing and seeking to please Him. She is a joy to have as part of our family. Happy Birthday Britt!!
The only thing that was a little confusing in the instructions from Martha Stewarts post, was towards the end when they said "fluff the layers". I wasn't sure how I was supposed to "fluff" them. I did eventually figure out that you separate the individual layers on each side of the floral wire. Pull them towards the center. They really are quite resilient so you can pull them gently, but firmly. Then do the same pulling on the other side. Your goal is to make it into a ball shape. Keep pulling until it all fills in and resembles a poof.
All these further explanations may be redundant for most of you, but I thought I'd explain it more anyways, since I wished the "fluff" instructions had been a little more thorough. :0)

You can see our plan of action here.
The Reese's Ice cream bar was a hit! Looking at this picture, half of the items for the bar were still in the fridge and freezer at this point. Chocolate syrup, caramel, homemade cookie dough, homemade strawberry freezer jam, and of course the ice cream.
This was the first time I had tried to make Party Pom Poms. They were quite fun, and not very difficult to make. I have more about them at the end of the post.
Brittany's birthday supper order was Walking Tacos. The kids had a lot of fun making them, and some of them were eating their supper for quite a while, seeing as their eyes were a little bigger than their stomach! :0)
No party is complete without goofy brothers!!
We are so thankful to the Lord for our sweet daughter. We are thankful that she has asked Jesus to forgive her of all of her sins, and is daily growing and seeking to please Him. She is a joy to have as part of our family. Happy Birthday Britt!!
Friends & Gifts!
Part of Brittany's present from us was redecorating her room. More details on that coming soon.......
In case you are wondering how to make these cool party pom poms here is one of the best sites I found.
The only thing that was a little confusing in the instructions from Martha Stewarts post, was towards the end when they said "fluff the layers". I wasn't sure how I was supposed to "fluff" them. I did eventually figure out that you separate the individual layers on each side of the floral wire. Pull them towards the center. They really are quite resilient so you can pull them gently, but firmly. Then do the same pulling on the other side. Your goal is to make it into a ball shape. Keep pulling until it all fills in and resembles a poof.
All these further explanations may be redundant for most of you, but I thought I'd explain it more anyways, since I wished the "fluff" instructions had been a little more thorough. :0)