Saturday, February 11, 2012

Stencil Pillow

I saw these pillows first on Pinterest.  Cool, huh?   But as I began to investigate where to find them, this is what I found out:

Viva Terra $159

Way too expensive for a pillow!!!  

The perfect solution?  Make it myself!

 I bought a 1/2 yard of fabric, then cut the fabric into a 18" x 19" rectangle.   I measured out 1" from all the sides, marking them, so that my words did not go too far onto the edges. 

 My letters were about 2" in hight, and I left about 1 1/2" in between each line.  It was a little bit of a challenge to get some of the phrases on one line, but it worked in the end.  

I used a stencil my daughter had in one of her art books.  I stenciled it all in pencil first.  

When I was done penciling,  I went back through and used a fine tip sharpie to trace in the lines, followed by a thicker sharpie to fill it in.

The two panels when I was finished.

Time to sew them together.

Sew them with right sides together and leave a little opening to turn it inside out and stuff it.  Stuff, sew up the hole, and there you have it, $159 dollar pillow for the cost of 1/2 yard of fabric!

The finished product with my designer throw pillow that I made out of a $1 skirt.

Thinkin' this is going to be a perfect present for someone...

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