When my children were small, five and younger, we traveled a lot. So much that we were usually only home about 3-4 months out of the year. One of the things that was most difficult for me, though very thoughtful of the hosts, was going out to eat after church on Sunday mornings. Our children were very much ready for their naps, they were hungry, and needed to sit quietly for Mommy and Daddy to be able to talk to the other adults. I was constantly trying to come up with something to keep them quiet and entertained.
These finger puppets were life savers on many occasions. So much so, that we actually have left several of them in restaurants all over the United States!
Here is a pattern if you would like to make some yourself. May you too have more enjoyable meals with your youngsters.
Finger Puppet Pattern
Need a barn for your animals? Check out this post too:
Felt Finger Puppets with Barn.